Monday, December 8, 2008

Going Bananas!

We started giving Sophia solids yesterday. We started with bananas. So far, so good. I can't tell if she likes them or not, but she eats them. Next we might try sweet potatoes.

Yummy bananas!

All done!

Story time with Daddy before bed.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

6 Months Old!

Sophia is 6 months old! Wow! These 6 months have flown!! Sophia is "talking" more and more. She is doing a better job at sitting up. She can sit on her own, but she still topples over every now and then. She is still teething like crazy, too. Her personality is really starting to show. She is so much fun!!! We are still so in love with her! :o)

6 Months!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday, Pops!

Celebrating Thanksgiving and Pops' birthday!

Santa, Baby!

When we went to get this picture made, this is the first one we got. Sophia would not smile, and Santa's eyes are closed. As we were trying to pick out the "best" picture, I looked up to see the sweetest thing: Photo #2!

Photo #1

Photo #2

2008 World Series Champs

I am only posting this because Daddy is a big Phillies fan....clearly, I am not! He dressed Sophia in this outfit.

Lazy Sunday

Sophia after church

I thought Sophia and I were both napping...but she was full of smiles! Thanks, Daddy, for getting pictures of this!

Napping with Daddy - Yes, that is all we do on Sunday afternoons. :o)

Bedtime stories with Daddy

Lunch with the girls

We met up with Sophia's Great-Aunt Betty and Cousins Aimee and Natalie (11 months) for lunch. Natalie gave lots of her old clothes to Sophia since Natalie will be 1 year old soon.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

5 Months Old!

Sophia is 5 months old today! As each month goes by, it is harder and harder to believe how much she has grown. She is starting to sit on her own for short periods at a time. She is becoming more and more vocal each day. I think she is teething now, too. (So far, no teeth, but it seems as though she is showing signs of it.)

5 Months!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

I had such good intentions of taking Sophia to a pumpkin patch and taking pictures of her in her Halloween costume. We took Sophia to a pumpkin patch today - the day BEFORE Halloween. There were very few pumpkins, so we had to make do with what we could. Next year, Mommy will plan this a little better - I hope!

Sophia, Mommy and the Scarecrow

Sophia with Daddy and a pumpkin just her size!

Happy Girl!

This sweet smile brightens my day. Each time she smiles at me, I fall in love with her all over again!

Sophia and Sasha

Sophia and Dina's daughter, Sasha, are becoming good friends. Although they don't really play together yet, they like watching each other. They are very close in age. Sasha is 2-1/2 weeks older than Sophia.
Sasha and Sophia

Sophia and Sasha at the Mom & Me Connection Group

Trunk or Treat

We had Trunk or Treat at our church Wednesday night. It was lots of fun....for Sean and me. Sophia was fussing most of the time because she was cold. We ended up putting her in the car and she fell asleep.

Sweet Pea and Dr. Daddy

Mercy Hospital Trunk

Boneyard Trunk

I ended up double booking myself that night. I had to leave pretty quickly once Trunk or Treat ended due to this:

That's right....New Kids on the Block, Baby!!!! And it was totally awesome! The last time I saw them in concert was 20 years ago!

I'll Be Lovin' You (Forever)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sitting Pretty

Auntie Keller loves to spoil Sophia with clothing, so we have to model them!
Sophia sort of sitting on her own....this only lasts for a few seconds before she falls over.

Daddy getting Sophia ready for bed

Here is a video of Sean getting Sophia ready for bed after her bath. She usually laughs lots during this time with him, but this night was a little different. Listen carefully after she flips to her tummy!

What's not to love?

Modeling her outfit from Auntie Mardys.

Getting the hang of the exersaucer.


We put Sophia in her exersaucer for the first time a few weeks ago. She didn't really play with any of the toys on it, but she stared at them! Hopefully, she'll start liking it more soon.

Sophia just checking things out

I don't think her feet are supposed to touch.

Getting ready for Halloween

This is Sophia's "Baby's first Halloween" outfit. Since it's holiday specific, she has been wearing it often to try to get as much wear out of it as possible!

War Eagle!

Sophia ready to watch some Auburn Football!!!! Auntie Keller bought this outfit for Sophia in Auburn. War Eagle, Hey!

From belly to back!

I've been trying to catch this on video for a while, but of course, when I have my camera out, all movement stops. This video was actually taken about a month ago, I've just been slacking at posting! Enjoy!

Monday, October 6, 2008

4 Months Old!

Sophia is 4 months old today! She is getting to be such a big girl - holding herself up and laughing out loud, which is the sweetest sound ever. She is starting to baby talk, also. I do not know her stats yet. Her next dr. appointment is on 10/13, so I will update then.
*Update: Sophia had her 4 month check up today. She weighs 16 lbs 11 oz and is 25-3/4" long. She got more shots today, and she took them like a trooper! She cried, but not long. The doc said she is thriving and doing great!

4 Months!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Grady Luke!

Thursday our friend, Grady, turned 1 year old! His birthday party was on Saturday, also. Since we could not make it to Alabama for the party, we celebrated his birthday here in Georgia!

We love you, Grady!

Happy Birthday, Kaiya!

Saturday was our friend, Kaiya's, 1st birthday. It was lots of fun - and the most Asians Sophia has ever seen! :o) It was so great being able to spend that time together and meeting new Aunties! We finally got to meet Baby Kate and Sweetheart Kylie! Sophia also loved meeting Mimi and Papa Kosaka.

Courtney, Kaiya - the birthday girl, and Dave

Auntie Courtney, Auntie Brandy holding Kylie, Whitney holding Sophia, and Auntie Brooke
Auntie Brooke and Sophia

Which Asians do not belong?! Me & Sophia, Brandy & Kate, Brooke & Kylie, Courtney & Kaiya

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Sophia started laughing out loud last night! It is so adorable! I am amazed at everything she does!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sophia's baptism

Sophia was baptized Sunday, September 14, 2008, by Reverend Anne Elizabeth at St. David's Episcopal Church. She looked adorable, and she was very well behaved during the whole thing. (Mainly because she had been sleeping, and I woke her up right before she was baptized.) Family and friends gathered back at our house afterwards to celebrate. The guest of honor slept through the whole thing! (Click on the slideshow below to view larger slideshow pictures...right, Carrie?! :o))

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sophia's new ride

We got a new, more reliable vehicle. We needed something that had low mileage, and something that was safe for Sophia. We love it, and we go cruisin' all the time!

This posting is also just a huge THANK YOU to my family for always supporting us, giving us advice, believing in us, and most of all, loving us. We love you so much, and we don't know what we'd do without you!