Sophia is one month old. Time has really flown. She is growing and growing. She weighed 10 lbs 13-1/2 oz at her one month appointment. She has grown 3/4". Her eyes are starting to change. Right now they are a greyish color. She is eating lots - obviously - and sleeping well. She wakes up twice during the night, so it's not bad at all. We had these pictures made of her at 3 weeks old.
We've had so many visitors: Grammy and Auntie Katie, Auntie Stacie and cousins Emma and Hayden came a few times, Grandpop, "Grandma" Carrie, neighbors - the list goes on and on. Auntie Mardys came and spent a weekend with us. Auntie Keller took a week vacation to stay with us to lend a helping hand. We are so grateful that she did! Pops came the weekend of July 4th. Needless to say, it's been a fun, but busy month! Auntie Keller has proven to be a great babysitter!
Auntie Stacie, Hayden, Emma and Sophia
Grandpop with Sophia
Auntie Mardys, visiting from Nashville, and Sophia
The girls: Whitney,
"Grandma" Carrie, Auntie Keller, and Sophia
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