We just got back from visiting Pops, Great-Grandma Moms, and Great-great Auntie Gyp in Alabama. Sophia traveled very well. We left Thursday night, so she slept the whole 3 hours to Huntsville. She would not even wake up once we got there. We spent the night there so Great-great Auntie Gyp could spend some time with Sophia.
Gyp and Sophia
Pops and Sophia
4 Generations of Grimmitts - Whitney, Pops, Sophia, and Great-Grandma Moms
Auntie Jillian, Sophia, and Grady Luke
The Hot Mommies Club: Molly, Whitney, Jillian, and Courtney
Sophia laughing with Auntie Keller
Her smile is precious! Cute pics.