Saturday, January 29, 2011

QT With Auntie

Auntie and I took the girls to the neighborhood next door to take some pictures and see the ducks.

Resting with Auntie

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Happy birthday, Mommy

We celebrated my 32nd birthday by going out to dinner at Nagoya - Japanese steakhouse. Y.U.M. We didn't get a big cake, so we got the next best thing - Great Wall of Chocolate from PF Changs!!! It was tough, but I did share it with everyone. :o) Sophia couldn't wait to help me blow out the candles!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Waaaaaaarrrr Eagle! Hey!

"....I believe in Auburn, and LOVE it!"
2010 National Champions!
Aubie! Aubie!
I can't begin to describe what this place means to me.....
It's great to be an Auburn Tiger, and it's more than "just a tree"!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Playing at P.L.A.Y.

Sophia with her pal, MAC, chasing each other in the halls.

Love the smiles!Starting them early....always go to the restroom with your girlfriends!

Fun in the foam pit!

Friday, January 14, 2011

My girls

These are just too cute - I had to post them!

Sophia "reading" to Olivia. Absolutely precious!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

1 Month Old!

I can't believe a month has already gone by. I know that everyone says it, but they really do grow up way too fast.

Weight: 9# 4 oz
Length: 21 inches

In the beginning, it took a while for Olivia and I to get on the same page when it came to nursing. She was losing weight and got down to 6# 14.5 oz. I was devastated!! I had an out-patient consult with a lactation consultant, and now, Olivia and I have found our groove!!! We've worked hard for these 9# 4 oz!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Why I'm not a photographer!

This is my experience of trying to take a "sweet" sister picture of a 2.5 year old and a 2.5 week old!

Sweet Olivia

Sweet Sophia

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Olivia's Debut!

Olivia joined our family on December 13, 2010 at 5:39 am. She weighed in at 7 lbs 10 oz and was 20 inches long. We are so overjoyed! For those who want the whole story, here it is:

I woke up Sunday, 12/12, with severe pain in my lower abdomen. I couldn't even get out of bed to walk to the bathroom -Sean had to help me. I remember saying to him that something was going to happen that day because I didn't feel quite right. Our plans for that day were to finish up Olivia's bedroom. (Good thing we did that!) I had been having contractions all day that were more intense than usual. Around 7pm that night, we decided that we should start timing them. They were coming pretty regularly at 5 minutes apart and lasting about a minute each time. I called my Doctor's office and spoke to the midwife, Wendy, on call. She suggested that I drink LOTS of water and get in a warm bath. She said that would make the contractions stop. Well, they didn't! They got more intense! Since I was induced with Sophia, I had no idea what labor felt like. Everyone always says that when you are in labor, you will know.....well, I had no idea. After all, I was only 37 weeks. I kind of felt like Wendy was brushing me off. This is when I thought it would be best to go ahead and call my sister to put her "on call"!

By this time, about an hour and a half had passed. After I got out of the bathtub, I tried to lie down and rest. The contractions were getting so strong that I couldn't talk through them. I even called a few of my friends to ask if they had experienced labor. Unforunately for me, they were both induced! My friend, K, heard me attempting to talk through a contraction and convinced me to call the midwife back because I was in labor! I did as she advised, and Wendy told me that she had reviewed my file. My doctor had noted that I could go at any time. Wendy told me to come to the hospital, and she would be waiting for me. As I was doing all of this, Sean decided to take a shower.

I had just packed my hospital bag two days before! Of course, Sean did not have his packed. He was running around like crazy trying to get his things together. We called our neighbors, the Grand Cs, to come stay with Sophia until Auntie could get here. We packed up and left for the hospital around 9pm.

We arrived at the hospital around 10pm. Auntie ended up meeting us at the hospital while we registered - I think she wanted to stay there with us....I wanted her to, as well! We went to my room, which Auntie pointed out was the same room that I gave birth to Sophia! Once we were all settled, we had to wait for the midwife, Wendy, to come tell us if we would be staying or going home. She checked me, and I was 3 cm dialated and 90% effaced - I was in labor and having this baby! A simultaneous feeling of relief and panic settled in! Sean went to get our bags out of the car, and we prepared to meet our newest angel.

I got my epidural and tried to get a little bit of sleep. Wendy checked me a little later and I was 5 cm dialated. Not long afterwards, the nurse came in to check me and said that I was still at 5 cm. I told her that I was starting to feel contractions. She said that she would "up" the medicine in my epidural, and it would work within 5-10 minutes. About 20 minutes later, I was feeling the contractions so badly that I was in tears. The contractions were about a minute apart. The anesthesiologist came back to help me. At that time, Wendy walked in. The nurse told her I was still at 5 cm. Wendy checked me and said, "Uh, no, honey. She is 10 cm dialated and the baby is crowning. We are about to have this baby!" They barely had enough time to change the bed. I pushed twice and Olivia Marie was in my arms!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Snow days

Enjoying the snow the day after Christmas!

Christmas 2010

We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!! Needless to say, our Christmas was a bit of a blur! We even took Olivia out shopping with us at 2 days old! Poor baby - Santa didn't have a lot of time to prepare for her!!

Sophia coming downstairs to check out her loot!
Sophia LOVES Cars!

Olivia had quite the exciting morning! (Notice her little foot sticking out of her pjs!)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Baby, New Blog!

I thought I would start a new blog since it's been so long since I have updated the other one. Plus, now that we are blessed with two beautiful children, this blog is for both of them. I will try my best to keep up with this blog better than I did with the last one! Enjoy! (All posts before this are from the blog I had for Sophia.)