Saturday, March 19, 2011

Playgroup birthday party

Sophia and I joined a playgroup with a few Mommies and babies we met at our breastfeeding group. Sophia was about 7 or 8 months old at the time. We still meet every week! Most of the "older" kids have birthdays around the same time, so we have a playgroup birthday party for all of them.

Some of the kids - it's hard getting them all together!

Opening gifts! Everyone brought a gift, and we did a gift swap!

Sophia with her bestie, Sabrina

Ending the day with some sidewalk chalk!

Sunday, March 13, 2011


These pictures are from late 2010, but I love them, so I thought I would share.
Even though you can't see her, Olivia is in this picture - in utero! :)

Sophia in her tutu made by Mimi!

3 Months Old!

Happy month day to my Little Sweetie! At her 2 month appointment, Olivia's pediatrician asked us if Olivia was smiling and cooing at us. We said no. Dr. Z said for us to let her know if she didn't start responding within the next month because we would have to have her eyes tested to see if she could see us. I was so worried, but alas, no need for tears! Olivia has been smiling and laughing this past month. I tried to capture the smile, but of course, my camera was delayed when I snapped it. She doesn't go back to the doctor until next month, so I don't know her stats. Other than that, we are having a blast with our two sweethearts! <3

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Airplanes" by Sophia

My girl loves to sing! Thankfully, she loves pop music so I don't have to listen to kid songs all day!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gymboree with our playgroup

The gal at Gymboree wanted to hold Olivia! She held her the entire time, so I could play with Sophia. :)
Bubbles !
Music and songs
Balancing act
So fun!